Shannon Chong is a multidisciplinary designer from the Phildelphia/New Jersey area. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in graphic design from the University of the Arts in May of 2016. Shannon is a recipient of the Armin Hofmann Award for excellence in graphic design (2016) and won a citation for her senior degree project, Can You Look at This? (2016).

Coming from a design program that values concept development and refinement within the design process, she strive to create work that reflects these beliefs. For her pursuing a career in design has always been about her desire to create in a way that she found truly unique to the design process. The process of analyzing and developing ideas that best solve communication problems has enabled her to better understand how to design solutions that are best for each project. From the development of ideas to final refinement, she has come to truly believe that the success of design relies heavily on the clarity of the concept.

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